
Male Disorders 

Decrease Libido 

in which male intrest/ desire to sex is partially or completely loss
Lack of intrest to sexual relation


  • low level of testosterone hormone
  • medications ( beta blockers, Act  inhibitors)
  • anxiety 
  • depression
  • any chronic illness
  • sleeping disorder
  • age factor
  • any mentally stress
  • any nicotinic effect

Physical Causes:

  • sexual problem
  • life style habbit
  • surgery of genital system
  • low volume of semen
  • sperm fermentation
  • fatigue
  • lack of energy

Sign and Symptoms

  • irritable
  • depressed
  • lack of intrest in usual lofe
  • feel relax in lonliness
  • treatment: 
  • treat with incresaed testosterone level
  • consult to a physician


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