

Gonorrhoea is a sexually transmited disease caused by the Gram Negative Diplpcoccus Neisseria gonorrhoea.It has afinity to infect the mucus membrane of genital tract infecting cuboidal and columnar epithelium seen in the endocervical and urethral mucousa. It can also infect the rectal and oropharayngeal mucuos membrane during anal and oral intercourse

Sign and Symptom

  • Asymptomatic
  • Increased vaginal discharge with abdominal/ pelvic pain
  • Dysuria with urethral discharge
  • Proctitis with rectal bleeding
  • Endocervical muco prulent discharge
  • contact bleeding
  • Pelvic tenderness with cervical excitation

Diagnostic Tests

  • Gram staining: visualization of gram negative diplococci
  • Culture medium: using an agar medium containing antimicrobials to reduce growth of other organisms
  • Neucleic acis amplification tests (NAAT's)
  • Nucleic acid hybridization test


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