Grape fruit

Grape fruit


Grape fruit its botanical name is 'citrus paridisi'
It is belong to a Rutaceae family
It is a citrus fruit which has many colors and many types
It is citrus, sweet and less bitter in taste
its 40% yield is cultivated in America out of total yield. beside this it is also cultivated in China, South Africa, Maxico, Turkey, Pakistan, India.
Grape fruit is alow calories fruit with full of nutrients, it is better source of Vitamin C, Potassium, Fibers. it is also contain citric acid, natural sugars, and volatile oils


  • Digestive
  • stomahic
  • antiseptic 
  • Tonic
  • Dieuretic
  • its main constituent Licopene usee to treat prostate cancer
  • according to new research which people who are suffering from joint
  •  pain (Lupas) they have benefit for frequent use of grape fruit
  • chemical constituents which are present in grape fruit inhibits Prostaglandins which causes swelling


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